CRPS: A Severe and Misunderstood Condition
The injury attorneys at Lee, Myers & O’Connell, LLP have direct experience with cases involving Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. This condition can be incredibly painful and life altering. Although medical research continues to improve, the condition is not fully understood. Individuals living with CRPS experience extreme pain that often causes permanent disability. CRPS is difficult to diagnose and consequently can go without immediate proper treatment. Our aggressive approach to your case allows you to focus your energy on recovery from this painful condition.
Insurers may argue that you are exaggerating or faking your symptoms to win a big settlement. They may hire doctors to refute the diagnosis. Unfortunately, people living with this condition know that CRPS is real and alters your life. Our attorneys understand the necessary steps when dealing with a less-understood condition like CRPS.
An Aggressive Approach
An injury that ultimately causes Complex Regional Pain Syndrome demands an aggressive and thorough investigation from the start. No detail is too small. One common source of this condition is a crushing injury. Premise liability cases are an example. Crushing injuries from a heavy object, such as a door or window covering falling down, can start the cycle. A crushing injury can also occur during a car accident.
Whatever the scenario, your injury attorney will investigate the incident and find out what happened. A less-understood condition requires a strong argument of liability. Simply stated, we cannot give the insurance company an inch. Insurance companies will argue that the accident was not their fault. Then they will argue that the accident could not have caused such a painful and intense injury as CRPS. Then they will argue that the pain could not be as bad as you say.
We are prepared for these arguments before the insurer makes them. We know these arguments are more frustrating in the face of dealing with CRPS. This is why, in addition to our aggressive approach, we take time to listen and talk to you. CRPS is different. Your treatments and recovery are the most important thing you can worry about. The injury attorneys at Lee, Myers & O’Connell, LLP are ready to fight for you.
What is Complex Regional Pain Syndrome?
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a rare and serious pain condition that can occur after an injury. Research and progress in medical science have improved the understanding of this condition. However, for a condition as potentially serious as CRPS, the general public and insurers so not have a full understanding.
CRPS symptoms vary by person, though typically affect an arm or a leg. The Syndrome develops after an injury in most cases. The pain involved is notably disproportionate to the severity of the first injury. Individuals suffering from CRPS experience symptoms of burning and throbbing pain. Sensitivity and swelling in the area are common. Changes in skin temperature, color, and texture also accompany the pain symptoms. Overall symptoms and severity can vary from person to person.
The Two Types of CRPS:
- Type 1: Most people with CRPS have this form. Type 1 occurs after an injury that did not directly damage the nerves in your limb. Type 1 is also known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome (RSD).
- Type 2: This version follows a specific nerve injury. Type 2 was once referred to as Causalgia. Symptoms are similar to Type 1.
Crushing injuries, fractures, and even amputations can lead to CRPS. The Syndrome is not fully understood and many individuals do not experience the Syndrome after an injury.
Speak With an Accident Attorney Concerning CRPS Today
If you or a loved one are concerned that you may be experiencing CRPS, contact your doctor. If you were injured in an accident that lead to CRPS, Contact the personal injury attorneys at Lee, Myers & O’Connell, LLP to discuss your accident, injuries, and the unique complications involved with CRPS.